Michael Waddellโ€™s Predator Trapping Tips

Predator Trapping Tips | eXmarkโ€™s Backyard Life

In this Backyard Life video, world-renowned hunter Michael Waddell discusses his top trapping tips. Learn how he prepares and sets traps to protect his farm from coyotes and other predatory animals.

Michael Waddellโ€™s Trapping Tips

1.) Keep Bait Separate

First, Waddell shows viewers the bin where the materials for building leg-hole traps are kept. One of his trap preparation tips is to keep bait separate from the rest of the materials. This prevents coyotes and foxes from smelling the bait underground and digging up the trap.

 2.) Well โ€“ Stocked Bait Bucket 

Waddellโ€™s second tip is to make sure to have a well-stocked bait bucket. He keeps a variety of meats, urine, and even peanuts on hand to bait his traps. Waddell then discussed everything he uses to build a leg-hole trap. Namely, items like shovels, a broom for sifting dirt, and various pliers and tools.